Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My New Hat!

I love Bowler Hats.  They make me think of The Avengers.  You know, the old black and white british tv show, as opposed to the Marvel comics superhero team.  It's probably because I don't have a very strong culture or style to fall back on that I cherry pick interesting cultural props from other countries.  I suppose there's the whole 'southern gentleman' kind of like Colonel Sanders.  But there is the whole British coolness thing that you just can't deny.  I guess I'm just trying to justify my weird love for bowler hats.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Joy of Persuasion

I have a new blog.  It's called Joy of Persuasion.  If you like the 'mature' selections from my DeviantArt page then you'll love the new blog.  Otherwise I would recommend you steer clear.  I've taken the 'mature' tag off this blog as I'll be using it for more general topics.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Purchased a pound of clay at the local art supply store. It's a lot smaller than you'd think. I'm working out of a book on creating fantasy figures in clay. It's an awesome book that takes you through the whole process step by step. The clay was way too soft to begin with, so the book gave a technique for leaching the softening ingredients out of the clay by squeezing it between sheets of paper.

I won't be able to work on it again 'till tomorrow night, but it feels stiffer as I'm putting it away. I'm excited that I'm progressing towards making people and DnD characters with clay.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Content Change

I've adjusted the settings on the blog.  Most of the links I noticed that still pointed to my old defunct website have now been adjusted to point to my deviant art page.

I've also adjusted the content to 'adult' since I plan to post the racy posts that can't be posted on DeviantArt.  I'm a little on the fence about that, since I'd like to post my stories with a more general appeal.  I hate decisions like this.  Maybe I'll maintain separate blogs.  I dunno.  I could post the more vanilla blog posts to DeviantArt I guess, since it comes with it's own built in blog.

Blogging from my iPhone

I'm trying a new blogging app in the hopes that I'll post more often. It's working today. Tomorrow is another story. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Look a new post.

Wow, I still remember the password for my blog. Awesome.

I've decided to try and start blogging again. I'm not confident about the look of the blog in general, there are so many other really awesome designs that people are using. I really should try something more imaginative than basic black. Although, if you can't think of anything else black seems like a good place to start.

Anna is sitting across from me saying "I can't do it" as she's playing Lego Indiana Jones. I feel like I've lived for a while with that thought bouncing around in my head about everything I try to do. So she comes by it honestly. Perhaps it's time for a change.


My Personality

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