Umm... my productivity that is. We added a cable television in my office. That and Gears of War 2 have been soaking up all my time lately. Oh, and Dead Space too. Dead Space is fun to play while you're playing it, but hard to point out exactly what makes it so special afterwards.
I have been puttering away at my drawing, but it was mostly finishing a reference for the female character clothing in my comic. Useful, but not necessarily very interesting. Hopefully as I finally shut off the TV for a while I'll get back to putting cool pics up on the page.
I watched the Hitman movie, recently and really liked it. It was kind of a different take on the James Bond style characters. It was inspired by the video game series which I liked. It didn't get very good reviews, but it had cool action sequences if you could overlook the wooden acting.
I also caught the movie Aliens, which I've seen before. It was a lot more cheesy than I remember from when it first came out. Kind of like an exercise in 'how bad can things go wrong.' It was a horror movie disguised as an action movie. In an action movie you figure the characters have a chance, but in this one the writers systematically kill everyone off. They actually finish the job in the 30 second introduction to the following movie. It was fun and exciting, but a little depressing at the same time. I guess seeing it after so long made me realize how artificial and predictable it felt. Reminds me of Dead Space for the Xbox 360. Or maybe the other way 'round.